Saturday, 30 April 2016

Are We Doomed?

Welcome back guys, Thanks for tuning in with TMC.

Life on Earth has always gone through extreme circumstances and in the process more than thrice the number of species that are present today have wiped out, leaving only those who could thrive in those extreme circumstances, and that's what we call evolution.

This is the basic principle in the cycle of creation i.e. a new thing comes into existence only if the previous ones are doomed or in the verge of extinction. We often say that many species of flora and fauna are endangered etc, but, have we ever thought of ourselves in the list? Well the answer is YES, we have and we have found the entire life on Earth can wipe out any second.

An animation depicting the struck
 of the rock some 4.5 mya.
Asteroids  meteorites are always a threat to us, they are found in abundance and their length varies from a few kilometers to 100 km.  The space rock that is thought to have wiped the dinosaurs was just 16 km long! Just imagine if a asteroid having a diameter of around 50km hits the Earth what might happen? Perhaps everything might be destroyed, even water! and the blue planet would appear like a ball of fire ( if there would be anyone to see it! xD).

This doesn't end here, the Sun also seems to be a threat, it has completed half its life cycle and it will become a red giant and its radius would expand near the Earth's orbit, but still we have a lot of time nearly around 5 billion years!

So that's for today! 

Written by:-
Aviral Srivastava 
Find me on Instagram : avirals_22
email me at :

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Q&A #2

Hi audience! thanks for tuning with TMC

This post will let you ask your queries and I will try my best to help you guys. Just publish your question as a comment on this post and I will reply to you with an answer as soon as possible.

I had launched a similar round sometime ago but I was unhappy because I didn't get any response , I hope you guys will help me establish an Astronomical Society. 

I am creating a feedback page on this blog and you can give suggestions on where to improve in my posts. Your suggestions would mean a lot to me. I am going to start the work on the page and it will be ready soon.

And  I want to thank you all my AUDIENCE for spending your precious time in reading my posts.

And if you haven't  subscribed to TMC then click on the and follow the blog for more posts fun!

Aviral Srivastava
Find me on Instagram: avirals_22
Email me at:

Saturday, 16 April 2016

The King of the Rings

Welcome back folks! Thanks for tuning in with TMC.

We all love dinosaurs and Saturn right?, but have we ever thought of comparing them with the Saturn system? Well, at first these two look like incomparable but then comes the age! Yes, their age , one seems to be younger than the other .

A recent study has shown that those rings , which earlier we thought had been formed at the birth of the Solar System, might had come into existence after the death of dinosaurs on Earth. Actually there is no relation between these two events, it is just that the study is using a point in time i.e. the time of wiping out of dinosaurs and relating it an event that might had occurred roughly at the same time.

Artist's conception of Saturn and its rings
The researchers at the Search for Extra-terrestrial  Intelligence Institute (SETI), claimed that the outer rings of the 6th planet might be as young as a 100 million years, this seems to be a large span of time for a layman, but it is nothing when compared to the age of the universe, that;s why it has been referred as young.

At first, this may not seem to be interesting , I myself didn't find it worth but then I understood what implications it could have on our study of our home - The Solar System. We might be able to understand the emergence of life in a better way by comparing the difference between the structure of those inner and outer rings, due to the difference in ages. It might help us understand the existence of these rings and may answer  a mysterious question i.e. " Can our Moon form such rings around our planet" and this doesn't end here , because a new finding makes way for a thousand new ones.

That's it for now, will meet you in my next post till then stay fit and don't forget to subscribe to The Mysterious Cosmos.

written by
Aviral Srivastava 
find me on Instagram : avirals_22
email me at:

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Dark Matter

Dark matter, doesn't the word relates to something mysterious out there?, Something which is revolving around our minds? Well actually it does!. The question that comes into the mind is "what do we mean by dark matter"?

Dark matter refers to the hypothetical invisible substance in the universe. The universe has fixed shape(as it can be curved by mass) , so where did this mass come from? We know that galaxies also have a fixed shape ,though it changes slightly, but the overall picture seems to be more or less similar because they are bound to that shape.

This shape, the curve due to mass, the "extra mass" all this points to something that is missing out there!! this is referred to as dark matter. Dark because  it is invisible to us and matter because it has mass and occupies the empty space in the universe and provides those galactic bodies a support structure.

The distribution of the content of the universe.
source : Google
Now the term dark energy arises, this may seem to be similar to dark matter but we presently don't know whether these two are the consequence of the same "dark thing".The research is going on and we may soon come a conclusion. But we know that if dark matter bounds the universe then dark energy tends to tear it apart, it is a repulsive force. The reason we are not experiencing this force may be because gravity is little much stronger and that's why we have observed that "red shift" that points that the universe is expanding.

And here comes the most exiting part! GRAVITY vs DARK ENERGY, who will win? Well we don't know the answer but this is sure that if either of the two become extremely powerful then the consequences won't be in our favour! Still this topic remains as one of the most mysterious ones and the mystery never ends!

So that's only for now , stay tuned and don't forget to subscribe to your favourite 
The Mysterious Cosmos

written by
Aviral Srivastava 
find me on Instagram: avirals_22
email me at :