Monday 29 February 2016

Break for a Month

Hello audience!, perhaps you would be sad to know that I am taking a break, I won't post till March end. But don't think I am bored with the blog, that can never happen, it's just that my Final Terminals are on the way and that's why I will be off for a while.
Don't be sad!, when I will return I surprise you all with a row of posts!
Stay tuned!!
By : Aviral Srivastava
Email me at:

Sunita Williams

I think the previous Friday (26/2/16) was the best day of my life. I met Sunita Williams that day!!!, yes no other than Captain Sunita Williams!!!! I met shook hands with her and clicked a photo with. It was a lifetime experience! I really feel inspired and blessed  very  after meeting such a great personality. 
Me and my friends from BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, PITAMPURA,DELHI (In blueish-grey blazer. )

Saturday 20 February 2016

India at its best

So the LIGO Team has finally detected gravitational wave at their lab in Washington. I have posted about this already, so I won't talk about it much. This post is about my country, India!!. India is all set to become the leading space researcher!!!!!

Yes, The Government Of India along with Pune and Indore scientists has tied up with the LIGO Team, and they are set to build an detector at Pune,India!!!!. This is a very proud news for every Indian because are advancing very fast. I am very excited!!, this will create many research opportunities in the near future, which are scarce in India at present.

Locations present and up-coming LIGO Labs
The Lab is under construction , the contract was signed in 2012 and the expected to be completed by 2020!!, so we don't have to wait for long, just a mere gap of four years.

At last I would say " Modiji tusi Great ho" and "PROUD TO BE AN INDIAN"

Written by

Aviral Srivastava

Find me on Instagram : avirals_22

Email me at :

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Gravitational Waves Detected

I think I am late with this post , because I was busy in my exams, but still the news is not that old!!.
Till now most of you would have some information about this, yes, it may sound like a dream!, but it's true. The LIGO team  has detected gravitational waves!!!. I think it is the greatest discovery of this century, this would change our current perspective of the universe. This  discovery would revolutionize the whole world of astronomy!.

It has been once again proved that Einstein  was the greatest man ever, there is nothing left on which we can say that he was wrong. All of his theories have been proved, though it took a century for us to do that, but that's just another sign which shows he had the greatest thinking power!
An illustration of ripples being generated when two black holes collide.
As shown in the picture above, the LIGO team has detected these ripples due to a minor displacement in the the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors, at their lab in Washington, and that displacement was just half the diameter of a nucleus!!!. 
Diagram of the LIGO aperture
For more information watch the video below.

Written by : Aviral Srivastava

Find me on Instagram : avirals_22
Emal me at :

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Free Fall

Long back since Aristotle's times , people have wondered about objects of different mass and surface area would fall during a free fall??? Would they fall at the same rate??, or one would fall faster than the other??, or they wouldn't even fall!!!???(in vacuum).

For centuries we were looking  these answers, but could not find them. Galileo in experiment on the Leaning Tower of Pisa, proved that the rate of falling objects(in presence of air) doesn't depend upon their masses, instead it was determined by their surface areas!!!

Still we were not sure what will happen if these objects are made to fall in vacuum. Atlast we have found the answer!!!, in the NASA'S Space Power Facility , which is the world's largest vacuum chamber, researchers have shown what really happens in such conditions.

So sit back and watch this amazing video.

Sunday 7 February 2016


Amateur astronomers, this one is for you!!

New and amatreur astronomers, having trouble in pointing out celestial objects in the
 night sky?, then you have to get this is easy to operate sky-stimulator "stellarium". And all of
your problems will be solved , it is really very helpful. So now grab your telescopes and take
full enjoyment of each and every object in the night sky( not possible though xD).

But wait, this doesn't ends here!! there are features too!!, you can get previews of all the eclipses  and events, plus it supports daytime viewing also. It is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS , it is also there for Android and iOS.

For more info and to download it go to the link :

A view of the night sky from Stellarium
Written by:Aviral Srivastava
Find me on Instagram : avirals_22
Email me at:

Friday 5 February 2016

The king of the rings

When we classify objects as opaque, transparent and translucent , we often think that the basis for this classification is the amount of matter in it, but here we are wrong( see my "translucent" post for more info). The new research of Saturn's ring has also pointed this out.

 According to a recent study of the rings using data from NASA’s Cassini mission. In their analysis, scientists found surprisingly little correlation between how dense a ring might appear to be — in terms of its opacity and reflectiveness — and the amount of material it contains.The new results concern Saturn’s B ring, the brightest and most opaque of Saturn’s rings, and are consistent with previous studies that found similar results for Saturn’s other main rings.

While the opacity of the B ring varies a lot but on the other hand its mass seemed to be constant.They “weighed” the nearly opaque center of the B ring for the first time — technically, they determined its mass density in several places — by analyzing spiral density waves. These are fine-scale ring features created by gravity tugging on ring particles from Saturn’s moons and the planet’s own gravity. The structure of each wave depends directly on the amount of mass in the part of the rings where the wave is located.

This research has laid important implications for their age, a more massive ring would evolve slowly than a less massive one, becoming darkened by dust from meteorites and other cosmic sources more quickly. Thus, the less massive the B ring is, the younger it might be, perhaps a few hundred million years instead of a few billion.

Despite the low mass found by Hedman and Nicholson, the B ring is still thought to contain the bulk of material in Saturn’s ring system. And although this study leaves some uncertainty about the ring’s mass, a more precise measurement of the total mass of Saturn’s rings is on the way. Previously, Cassini had measured Saturn’s gravity field, telling scientists the total mass of Saturn and its rings. In 2017, Cassini will determine the mass of Saturn alone by flying just inside the rings during the final phase of its mission. The difference between the two measurements is expected to finally reveal the rings’ true mass.

By : Aviral Srivastava 
find me on Instagram as : avirals_22

email me at :


Welcome back!
The Mysterious Cosmos has crossed 1000 views!!!!, thanks a lot guys for your support and I hope you all will continue to be a part of the blog and support it till the end!

As I remain busy in weekdays, because of school , I will be posting on weekends at least 2-4 posts per week, so stay tuned and please FOLLOW using your email account.

Thanks again  

Aviral Srivastava ( author of The Mysterious Cosmos)

Find me on Instagram : avirals_22

email me at: