Friday, 24 March 2017

Earth Hour India - 2017

Hey there! Welcome to The Mysterious Cosmos.
Earth the only planet known to support humans! and not only humans rather a whole lot of diversity of individuals, each with it's own unique characteristics! This is what makes our beloved planet different and special from the rest! But since the time humans have dominated the planet they have exploited it to their needs.
The vegetation of The Indus Valley Civiliization

Though this is the basis of life, life evolves by exploiting the nature but till some extent. There has to be a limit to everything! And in the recent times humans have exceeded the limit, there is a serious need to conserve the diversity of Earth or else it won't be able to sustain us!
There many organisations which are spreading awareness about the need to preserve the natural resources and diversity. They launch campaigns and programs to teach people. One such is
Earth-Hour during which all the electrical appliances are switched off to conserve electricity and reduce light pollution. In this hour even street need to be turned off along with mobile phones and if not necessary use of flashlights is also not allowed. This campaign is for volunteering and showing your support for conservation.
You can pledge here at this link though The Mysterious Cosmos on wwfindia.
Pledge here at this page

By: Aviral Srivastava, Founder and Author at The Mysterious Cosmos.
Find us on Instagram : cosmos__mysterious
Find me on Instagram: astro_avi
Facebook: The Mysterious Cosmos 
Youtube ; The Mysterious Cosmos

Monday, 20 March 2017

The Mysterious Newcomer

Hey there! Welcome to The Mysterious Cosmos! Today I will be introducing you with the mysterious newcomer! Recently Researchers at NASA using two telescopes including Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Arrow (NuSTAR) observed what is hypothesized to be black hole's "corona" . 

This Corona appeared like a tiny black hole, but actually though it wasn't a black hole it just looked liked one. This ejection was followed by a X-Ray burst. The newcomer first appeared to glow within the black hole and then peculiarly rose up!

 NASA Observes Object Coming Out Of A Blackhole For the First Time Ever
Artist's conception of  the newcomer - the so called corona.
This discovery will open one the most baffling mysterious of the universe i.e "what lies within the black holes" "The source of this event still remains mysterious! And somehow if we figure it out, it would lead unravel the mysteries of those black things out there" said on of  the researchers. 
further tracking down the corona will help us understand its constituents, how does it decay and if it doesn't then what?! 
Well these questions can't be answered now! , but since everyday is turning out to be mysterious with new discoveries! Soon we would be able to answer these! #getmysterious 
By: Aviral Srivastava, founder and author at T.M.C
Find us on Instagram : cosmos__mysterious
Find me on Instagram : astro_avi
Facebook : The Mysterious Cosmos
Youtube: The Mysterious Cosmos

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Follower's guide

Hey!, well when I was surfing the internet the previous day I came across an article which stated the problem faced by readers in subscribing to the blogs on blogger. So I decided to  post a follower's guide to help you all out in case you get stuck.

Subscribing to The Mysterious Cosmos is as easy as unlocking your phone xD! Just follow the steps below:-
  • Log on to T.M.C scroll down till you see the button 'follow' on the right side.
    Just press the blue follow button.

    • The link will open in a new tab, in case you haven't signed in with your email then just sign in and press the follow button button and then we're done!
By: Aviral Srivastava, founder and author at The Mysterious Cosmos
Find us on Instagram : cosmos__mysterious
Find me on Instagram : astro_avi
Facebook : The Mysterious Cosmos
Youtube: The Mysterious Cosmos

Friday, 17 March 2017

Basics of Astronomy is on Air

Hey there! Perhaps many of you would be excited for the new concept to start, right? Well then I have a good news for you! Its out! it's on air yeah you read it right! It's available on our YouTube Channel and our Facebook Page. This session takes back you to the old times when astronomy just came into picture! So go and check it out here: Basics of Astronomy.

Well I am not going to discontinue my blog, just mentioning in case you thought this ;). I will post these sessions and the updates about astronomy would be covered on my blog!
I want to thank all of you for supporting me and I know you will keep it as constant as the Northern Star.

Thank You!

As every time #getmysterious 

By : Aviral Srivastava, founder and author at The Mysterious Cosmos
Find us on Facebook; The Mysterious Cosmos
Find us on Instagram: cosmos__mysterious
Email us at:

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Basics of Astronomy

Hey there! Welcome to The Mysterious Cosmos! The first session of 'Basics of Astronomy' is ready and would on air on 17th March,2017! This would be exclusively on our Facebook Page and our YouTube Channel which will host its first video! So get connected with us  now if you don't want to miss this session! So grab your tub of popcorn and #getmysterious!
Here's a sneek peak!
So that's all for this post. I have some important updates that I have to tell you but that is for another post!
Written By: Aviral Srivastava, Founder and Author at The Mysterious Cosmos
find me on Instagram: astro_avi
Find us on Instagram: cosmos__mysterious
Email us at :

Friday, 10 March 2017

The Mysterious Cosmos- Extended Edition

Hey welcome back guys! in the previous post briefed you about my new concept on which I had been working on recently. This is an extended version of that post I am so excited to start it! At first I thought I would starting with Facebook but then my mind changed , even though I am still in Dilemma and the final decision  would be made on 17th March,2017 so the mystery continues! xD So grab your popcorn and get mysterious!

Written By: Aviral Srivastava, Founder and Author at
The Mysterious CosmosTM 
Find us on Instagram: cosmos__mysterious
Find me on Instagram : astro_avi

Friday, 3 March 2017

The Mysterious Cosmos

Hey! I am back I know it's been a long time I myself was longing to write but couldn't , let me be honest  with you :) I was working on something you all will love also my exams are still going but I thought I must write down to all of you because now I myself couldn't control enthusiasm! You might be thinking what could possibly cause this enthusiasm!? Well, I was recently working on a whole concept for all T.M.C lovers!

The Mysterious Cosmos  is coming up with a whole  new concept of VLOGS so as to make the sessions more interactive! I will also continue with my blog. The first vlog is excepted to be released on 18th March on our whole new YouTube Channel : The Mysterious Cosmos.

So get ready with your popcorn and #GETMYSTERIOUS!
The link for the YouTube channel : The Mysterious Cosmos Written By: Aviral Srivastava, Author and Founder at The Mysterious CosmosTM

Find us   on Instagram : cosmos__mysterious
Find me on Instagram: astro_avi