Saturday 18 March 2017

Follower's guide

Hey!, well when I was surfing the internet the previous day I came across an article which stated the problem faced by readers in subscribing to the blogs on blogger. So I decided to  post a follower's guide to help you all out in case you get stuck.

Subscribing to The Mysterious Cosmos is as easy as unlocking your phone xD! Just follow the steps below:-
  • Log on to T.M.C scroll down till you see the button 'follow' on the right side.
    Just press the blue follow button.

    • The link will open in a new tab, in case you haven't signed in with your email then just sign in and press the follow button button and then we're done!
By: Aviral Srivastava, founder and author at The Mysterious Cosmos
Find us on Instagram : cosmos__mysterious
Find me on Instagram : astro_avi
Facebook : The Mysterious Cosmos
Youtube: The Mysterious Cosmos

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